Anti-Spam Policy

The COFFEE BREAK platform provides its Users with a service consisting of technical means allowing them to send e-mails on their own email databases.
COFFEE BREAK undertakes, in its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France and in Europe, to contribute to the fight against the sending of unsolicited e-mails ("Spam" or "Junk Mail").
This Anti-Spam Policy defines these principles and commitments.
1. Definitions
"Consent": means the agreement of a user to add his e-mail address to a Mailing List to receive electronic mail messages or e-mails from the User and/or its partners. Consent is collected by a legal mechanism located on the registration page, which specifies a mention according by which the user agrees to receive commercial solicitations on the part of the service.
"Personal data": data allowing in any form whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, the identification of the individuals to whom it applies, whose processing is carried out by a natural person or a legal person.
"Opt in": personal data is designated as opt-in that can be used by the entity that collected it to send promotional or commercial messages to the person concerned. The concept of opt-in is the starting point for any effective communication and is compulsory on COFFEE BREAK: the recipient must give his permission to be contacted.
"Spam" or "Junk Mail": is an e-mail sent to individuals without their permission.

2. Loyalty of Collection and Consent of the Recipient
Any email campaign done through COFFEE BREAK requires that the sender has previously obtained the recipient's prerequisite express authorization or consent (opt-in). The recipients' consent can be expressed via a form subscribing to the newsletter or via checking a box on an online or offline form. The box should not be checked by default and must clearly indicate the theme to which the person is subscribing. You must, at a minimum, propose a simple opt-in that allows individuals to subscribe to your list by entering their e-mail address. From the point of view of deliverability, a double opt-in is preferably recommended, which forces the subscribers to confirm their subscription by a specific action in order to be added to the list (clicking on a confirmation link offered in an e-mail, for example). Double opt-in protects you against fraudulent or involuntary subscriptions, and thus reduces the risk of e-mail bounce backs and the reporting of abusive messages. A message sent thereafter must therefore be commensurate with the theme to which the person has subscribed. Where appropriate, the e-mail sent may be considered as junk mail.

3. Junk Mail
COFFEE BREAK seeks to fight against spam. Using COFFEE BREAK implies from any User that it certifies to use the service solely for the purpose of sending e-mails to its existing or potential customers who have explicitly expressed their consent to receiving such e-mails. It is up to the discretion of COFFEE BREAK to judge the undesirable nature of an e-mail. In particular, an e-mail may be considered undesirable if its recipient has not clearly and explicitly authorized the sender to send it to him. Any sending of spam via COFFEE BREAK will automatically and without notice result in the exclusion of the User and all of its websites from the network, the immediately cut off of its access to the COFFEE BREAK platform, termination without notice and by right of its contract without that any compensation can be claimed from COFFEE BREAK. In addition, COFFEE BREAK reserves the right to bring civil or criminal actions against the User and to request the reimbursement of all or part of the sums wrongly paid to the User as well as compensation for its damage, if any.

4. Sale or Use of Mailing Lists
As a simple technical service provider, COFFEE BREAK does not provide, does not rent, does not sell, and does not market any mailing list and is strongly opposed to its Users being engaged in such practices. Also, COFFEE BREAK should not be used to send any e-mail intended for an acquired list (bought, leased, borrowed or otherwise), or destined for e-mail addresses collected on websites or other searchable sources. Any person whose online address is published in a directory, an annual or on a business card, does not mean that he accepts to be added to a mailing list.

5. E-mail subject or False Sender Address
The purpose of the e-mails sent via COFFEE BREAK should not be deceptive and must not mislead its recipient. Exaggerated formulations are to be banned and the message's content must correspond to the recipient's expectations. It is prohibited to send e-mails related to the following activities: gambling, betting, pyramid sales, contents specifically dedicated to adults, pharmaceuticals, opportunistic offers of the "get rich quick" or "financial independence" kind or any activities whatsoever that are contrary to good morals or illegal. No e-mail sent through COFFEE BREAK should contain fraudulent or inaccurate headers and/or sender addresses. In particular, the fields: 'Tr', 'From', 'To', 'Answer to' as well as the associated domain and e-mail address must be accurate and must clearly identify the sender of the e-mail.

6. Content
No e-mail sent through COFFEE BREAK should contain information:
•    Whose content could undermine the image and the reputation of COFFEE BREAK, its clients or affiliates;
•    That is not in compliance with the current laws and regulations as well as the rights of third parties and intellectual property rights in particular;
•    Containing words or ideas that are racist, defamatory or that would encourage any form of discrimination;
•    Whose content is of a violent nature, incites hatred, is profane, pornographic, pedophilic or likely to be prejudicial to public order and morality; or more generally is detrimental to human rights;
•    Whose content is linked to drugs and accessories related thereto;
•    Allowing the sale of alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, weapons or ammunition and/or associated products;
•    Whose featured activity (services and/or products) would be of a sexual nature (including items ranging from charm to more explicit content);
•    Containing links to other websites such as those listed above;
•    Practicing forced click or incitement to click;
•    Whose legal form, legal representative and address are not clearly identified.

7. Excessively High Rate of Spam or Bounced emails (no longer living at this address)
COFFEE BREAK reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend an account in the event that it presents too high a rate of MOVED/Hard-Bounce and SPAM. The same penalty will be applied in the event of a blacklisted IP. In such circumstances, the account holder will be asked to provide evidence that its mailing list belongs to it and that it was legally acquired. During the account's suspension, the subscription is not terminated. In the event that the COFFEE BREAK account holder is unable to prove the provenance of its mailing list as well as the consent of the recipients (Opt-in), proceedings may be brought against it.

8. Unsubscribe
Valid subscribe/unsubscribe service - Any e-mail sent via COFFEE BREAK shall always include information at the end about inclusion in the sender's mailing lists. The e-mails must include a link allowing the recipient to unsubscribe in order to no longer receive e-mails if he so expresses the wish. This link must be placed in a visible and accessible place allowing any user to instantly identify it and understand its purpose. Also, the sender's website should always provide information on how to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, a mailing list. The procedure to subscribe and unsubscribe must be simple, real and take only a few seconds. The sender shall also have a strict confidentiality policy set out on its site.

9. Address for Reporting Spam
An option allowing any recipient to unsubscribe as well as a link to report abuse are added by COFFEE BREAK in the footer of the e-mails that any COFFEE BREAK user sends. Any attempt to disable these links will result in immediate suspension of the sender's COFFEE BREAK account. Any recipient who considers that he has received junk mail routed through COFFEE BREAK may contact the COFFEE BREAK moderation team at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

10. Identification and Declaration of Collected Databases
In accordance with the legal provisions applicable to its activity, each COFFEE BREAK customer user, as part of the collection and use of e-mail databases, undertakes to comply with the laws in force in its country.

11. Legal Bases
By way of illustration, here is a non-exhaustive list of the laws in force in various countries of the world concerning marketing via e-mail:
FRANCE - Article L.34 - 5 of the Post Office and Electronic Communications Code
UNITED STATES – The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial E-mailers
CANADA – Fighting Internet & Wireless Spam Act (Bill C-28)
EUROPE – Privacy & Electronic Communications Directive (2002/58/EC)
EUROPE – GDPR regulation - May 25th, 2018


Rev 2.00 May 25th, 2018



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